My Grandfather, Gustav Hass was born in 1886. When he was 15 he was living with John Floyd and family on their farm at Nipissing, Ontario. He was listed in the 1901 census as adopted. The Floyds originally came from the Eganville area which may explain how Grandpa Hass ended up working on their farm. The 1901 census also shows the Croteau family living in the Nipissing area. There was John (Jean Baptiste) Croteau, his wife Delphina and nine children at home. My Great-Grandfather Charles Croteau had married Marie Simon (Cimon) the year before and they were living in Springer Township. According to my Dad, Grandpa Hass was good friends with the Croteau boys, especially Euzebe (Uncle Zeb).
My Grandmother, Louise Croteau was born in 1901 at Cache Bay, Ontario. Her family later moved to the Noelville area where they began homesteading. She met Grandpa while he was helping on the farm. They married in 1917 at Clontarf, Ontario. My Dad, Edmund Wilfred Hass was born in 1918 at Noelville, Ontario.